As part of our notion of wellbeing and resilience through collective care, we are delighted to share some activities you can do wherever you are!
Watch this space as we will keep updating it!
Pertiwi as totem?
Kamiliah and Savitri started with these two items in thinking of Pertiwi as a totem.
Now, it's your turn! If you had a chance to make your own Pertiwi as a totem, what would it be?
Will it be your symbol towards "resilience" of what we have faced so far?
Share your thoughts by sending your writing or picture or drawing or whatever you come up with to!
Reading Textiles, Weaving New Narratives
Developed from the theme "Interweave Asian textile(s) with contemporary urgencies", curators Masako Tanaka (Japan), Tony Sugiarta (Indonesia), Marinella Andrea Mina (Philippines) and Arie Syarifuddin (Indonesia) developed their project "Reading Textiles, Weaving New Narratives". Visit their instagram page of the project by clicking the button below!